
Who am I?
I’m a theatre director. Have been for over 20 years. About the time I started directing I was diagnosed with Cancer. During that time I was also knee deep in a gambling addiction. My desire to start a new life and a new career fought a face to face battle with both my cancer and my gambling addiction. It was a long hard struggle. A fight where there could be only one winner. Cancer and Gambling were eventually defeated but they put up one HELL of a fight.
Those nine months taught me more about real life than the whole of the previous 28 years put together.
In recent years, that insight has afforded me the honour of being someone some people have turned to in times of need. When a loved one has died, or has been diagnosed with cancer or indeed when they themselves have found out they were ill.
The Book
The realization that I have something to say about the subject led me to write my cancer experiences down which eventually led to the book – Death And The Elephant: How Cancer Saved My Life – for which I am currently searching for a publisher.
The Podcast
Cancer Talk – is a chance to continue my journey of discovery into all things cancer. To share my thoughts, my discoveries and more importantly to converse with people who have been forced to face up to their or their loved ones immortality.